About Me
"God wants you to live free of the burden of guilt, and fear.
His grace is sufficient."-Carla I Anderson

My Story
Thanks to God and my parents, I am a forgiven and growing child of God. I am blessed to be married to my wonderful husband of over 30 years. I am a mother of 3 boys and grandmother to 7 grandchildren. Over the last 20 years, I have taken on the role of wife and mother to first responders, a US Marine, and a sheriff's deputy, not a role I planned, but one I do not take lightly.
As a young wife I struggled with understanding what being a wife truly meant but through mentors like my mother, I grew to understand how to invest in my marriage.
After trauma from a wildfire, 20 years ago, I began a journey of overcoming anxiety, of facing my fears and insecurities.
Now as a Ziglar Choose To Win Coach, I am helping other women to overcome their fears and insecurities.